Learn to Love LinkedIn

Ahhhhh….LinkedIn–the last corner of the social networking mega-triad (Facebook and Twitter being the other two, of course). A lot of people I talk with tell me they’re set up on LinkedIn, but they never “use” it.

Well, what’s the point of having your profile if you don’t take advantage of the opportunities it provides? LinkedIn has become a go-to tool in recruiting and sourcing for all types of businesses.

Three LinkedIn Tips to Get You Going:

  1. Join groups and participate in the conversations. There are groups to discuss nearly everything–surely you can find two or three in your industry. Ask questions. Answer questions. Share information and resources. Network, but do not “sell” your service unless you are absolutely sure the group encourages it. If you are forgetful you can subscribe and receive group updates in your e-mail.
  2. Give recommendations. Find a few people with whom you have conducted business and write a nice recommendation for them. They’ll feel great. You’ll feel great. They may respond with a testimonial for you as well. At the very least, you name and company are mentioned in one more place.
  3. Update your status regularly. Nothing looks worse than a social media profile that isn’t being used. Just like on Facebook, you can share the posts of other people you are connected to, comment on their status and feed in your Tweets.

Also, check out another post I wrote about LinkedIn endorsements and this one with more LinkedIn Tips.


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