5 Ways to Recycle Your Blog Content

There’s been a lot of talk about blogging in my circles in Halifax lately. Why do you blog, how to blog, how much to blog, and so on? One thing that seems so foreign to new business bloggers is how they can recycle their content in their newsletters and on social media. Blogging can cut down the amount of work you have to do in those other areas. Here are five ways to recycle your blog content.

Use it in your newsletter

Most of the businesses I know locally do this. Just pick one of the best blog posts since your last newsletter and make that the featured article for the month. Chances are you have a very different audience for your blog and newsletter, so your newsletter readers probably haven’t seen the article before.

Use it on Facebook

I’m sure you’re already posting on your Facebook page every time you have a new blog post, but why not chunk it up into three or four posts. A list article like the one you’re reading right now is perfect for that. Make it a series for the week. I don’t recommend you do that with every article or people will stop coming to your blog, but it’s a great idea for when you’re short on content for Facebook.

Use it on Twitter

Content Recycling Tip 2Similar to Facebook, you’ll want to pick out some of your most pithy lines to promote your post on Twitter. Different lines will attract different people.

Promote to Groups on LinkedIn

If you’re active in groups on LinkedIn and your post is relevant to the members, don’t be afraid to share it in those groups as well. This will help build your credibility as an expert. And don’t forget to post a link to the blog post on your profile and company page, as well.

Offer it as a Guest Article to Another Blog or Magazine

Everyone has the same issues as you…they don’t always have something relevant to write about. Many bloggers would welcome a well-written article from someone they know and respect, as long as it speaks to their audience. Perhaps you have relationships or partnerships with other blogging businesses…why not guest post for each other once a month?  I have this kind of relationship with Daley Progress, so you will probably start seeing blogs pop up from Linda Daley soon, and she has shared my articles in her newsletter many times. The trick here is to figure out who else might want to read your information. Don’t be afraid to approach the editors of newsletters and blogs you read regularly (what’s the worst that can happen?). Once in a while, I even see a call for writers and I apply if I think my writing is relevant.

For more ideas, check out our infographic on 16 Ways to Recycle Your Content.


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