Finding leads on Twitter

This article is part of an ongoing series, inspired by Gary Vaynerchuk, to show Halifax businesses the variety of leads they’re missing out on by not using Twitter search.

Twitter is often times the land of missed opportunity. Seldom do we think we should head to Twitter to drum up some new clients or customers but using the Twitter Search option could just be the jumpstart you need. As the colder weather comes on and the holiday season gets underway, people are searching for all manner of things.

Search term: Where Can I

While admittedly, this may seem like a bizarre request, it is Movember and companies selling these sort of things should be taking care of these men and their facial hair!

Whether Nicole is looking for herself or is doing some holiday shopping is irrelevant. What matters is getting her into your store!

It’s cold out, I don’t blame Jenny for not wanting to go out! Someone deliver this girl some calamari.

 Search term: Recommend 

Everyone and their dog is trying to be more conscious of the products they’re buying so why shouldn’t people be looking to shop local for their gifts?

A good seamstress can be hard to come by, luckily someone responded and tagged their seamstress in the tweet, so Caitlin was fortunate enough to actually get a recommendation!

And just for good measure,  here’s a business that’s actually taking advantage of the Twitter search!

Walmart, not Apple, is on  the ball and watching what people are searching for because they responded to this young woman that wants an iPhone!

If you want people to come to you, especially for specialty or odd products you have to get your name out there. The Twitter search is a great way to  do it! So what are you waiting for? Get online and be proactive, start a search right now.

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