18 thoughts on “Five Beginner SEO Tips for Bloggers”

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  3. Something I see all the time is people writing content that is not interesting enough to engage.

    There is so much content posted every day that if you do not do your homework, you will be lost in the internet noise 🙂

    Before I write, I use a tool like Buzzsumo to see if my topic is something that people are looking for. I also do a little bit of research to see what social platform posting makes the most sense.

    There is a free tool at https://idb.buzzstream.com/ that helps you find other bloggers to share your content.

    Here is a bad video I did explaining it 🙂


    It is all about the links. Google loves good content and sites with high domain rank that also link to you.

    Find people to share your content, maximize your hard work.

    • That’s very true Tomek! However, in Halifax, it seems, people just don’t want to take the time to comment on blogs. There is much work to be done in the SEO realm, for sure, and many of the old techniques either don’t work, get you penalized, or make you look silly, now. Great tips!


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