Finding Leads on Twitter: Christmas Edition

Happy holidays, readers!

This article is part of an ongoing series, inspired by Gary Vaynerchuk, to show Halifax businesses the variety of leads they’re missing out on by not using Twitter search.

The Twitterverse is alive with sounds of the Holidays… and you know what that means! It’s time to check up on all of the people tweeting their hearts out, trying to find the perfect gift or the right dessert to compliment their turkey dinner! With everybody shopping more frequently over the holidays, now is definitely a good time to draw in some new business.

Search term: Where can I

A few people made recommendations to Laura, but no retailers. There are a few I can think of in Halifax that would probably sell such things but they didn’t answer her!

Sounds like a pretty unique item, if anyone in the Halifax area sells things like this, they should definitely be telling people. That could turn into a Holiday tradition for a lot of families (meaning repeat customers!!).

Jessica is obviously on the hunt for a very specific Christmas present. Nice leather gloves could be a high end item. Retailers that sell these should definitely be reaching out to Jessica!

Search term: Christmas ?

When using Advanced Search  at the bottom of your search you can add whether you want your search to have positive or negative tone or if you want to the search to contain questions. By simply typing in the the word Christmas and then picking the ? at the bottom of the form, Twitter is only going to show me tweets from people asking about Christmas related topics.

Linda could buy a Blue Jays coat on somewhere like but instead she’s hoping to support somewhere locally. I hope she found what she was looking for!

Lori is getting in the Holiday spirit and needs a little help finishing her baking. Grocers should definitely be advertising their specialty holiday items.

Hear that Metro Transit? Lorelei thinks music on the bus would be a great way to spread some cheer!

In just a few minutes spent using the Twitter search tool, I’ve found all sorts of things people are searching for on Twitter. Finding these things will make their holidays brighter so let’s hope these businesses found them and helped out.

So readers, tell us, is there anything that you’re hoping to find that would bring some Christmas cheer to your Holidays? Maybe you should ask for your Twitter followers if they know where you could find it!



2 thoughts on “Finding Leads on Twitter: Christmas Edition”

  1. Since you’ve been writing this series of articles, I’ve been watching too and see lots of opportunities pass by. And when I see these articles from you, it reminds me to do some searching and I’ve had some interesting interactions as a result. My problem is: how can I make this more routine, rather than just when you remind me? Tools and tips? (A future blog post?)

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