Are People Looking for YOUR Business on Twitter?

We’ve been doing this series of blog articles about Finding Leads on Twitter, for several months now in an effort to show Halifax businesses that people really are doing more on Twitter than just shooting the breeze. You CAN find leads on Twitter if you take the time to look for them.

Search: Recommend

Here’s a tip for the moving companies… maybe you should stop sending unaddressed admail to my garbage can… uh… I mean mailbox, and start looking for people on Twitter who are actually thinking about hiring a moving company?

Attention all promotional products and incentives companies… people are looking to Twitter for your service. I know several companies that could provide hats and who are on Twitter… none answered.

Lots of gyms and personal trainer types on Twitter in Halifax as well. Someone could have had a new client.

Ohhhhh Liiiiinda… @DaleyProgress were you listening? Of course Daley Progress is my go-to resource for all things email marketing.

Search: Where Can I Find

I answered Ashley with two potential names to contact… one of which has a Twitter account for sure. Essential Oils are a big, up and coming thing right now, if you’re selling them, check out who’s looking for them.

Kudos to Clearwater for answering Krissy. I’d like to have fresh, wild salmon too, so I’m hoping she found a solution. (Oh… and I found some Wild Sockeye Salmon at Costco just yesterday.)

As always, the bottom line is that you need to put in some time to find leads on Twitter. Using a dashboard, like Hootsuite, can help you save time by providing a constantly up-to-date column of fresh leads for you to peruse. Don’t leave money on the table… find out who’s looking for you and collect the sale!


3 thoughts on “Are People Looking for YOUR Business on Twitter?”

  1. Pingback: Please Don't Ask Me to do Your Social Media Homework!

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