The Social Coast Episode 5: The How and Why of Blogging for Business

This week we’re talking about how and why a small business should consider blogging. We covered the different types of blogging platforms, different reasons to blog and even ways to come up with content ideas. The two biggest reasons for a small business to blog are to tell a brand story and for SEO. Tina explains the many variations on “brand story” and it boils down to your reason for being there; what is your purpose for writing this blog? Brand story doesn’t have to mean some big, airy-fairy “story” you tell in a special way. We unpack that. Then we move on to more tactical issues, like content creation, processes and SEO.

We also answered questions from the audience:

  • How often should I blog?
  • Is it better to build my own blog or guest blog?
  • What platform is best for a business blog?
  • How do you draw people in to your blog?
  • Is SEO even worth the trouble? (preview: YES! It is, if done correctly!)

Have a listen to the replay and check out the resources we mentioned below.

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