In the second episode of #BeFlawsome: The Good Enough Podcast, Anita has a captivating conversation with the owner of Penelope’s Boutique in Halifax, Penny MacAuley. Her love of vintage clothing is evident in her stories, and she is committed to being flawsome as she runs her (now online) business. Learn how she is using social media to attract customers!
Key points in this episode:
- Penny’s brick-and-mortar vintage clothing store transforming into an online business, and the challenges of selling clothing online
- Interesting stories connected to clothing pieces
- How Penny uses social media for promotion and what she posts online
- Penny’s story of when she hired someone to handle her social media and followed their advice for 2 years
- What happened when she started looking after her own social media and using local people and businesses in her photos
- How she is flawsome in her own photography and tips she has learned
About Penny:
Penelope’s is owned by Penny MacAuley, a recipient of the national WISE 50 over 50 award.
She started her working life as a performer and singer/songwriter. She moved into TV production when the touring got a bit much and became a director/producer of art’s & entertainment programming. Reality TV came to town and she left.! She retired for about 30 seconds (wasn’t for her). Her love of fashion and one of a kind clothing brought her to open Penelope’s in 2011. 2020 brought Penelope’s boutique to showcase amazing Vintage/Modern online.