graphic for 7 Tips to Make Your Online Marketing Accessible to Everyone

How to Avoid 9 Scary Social Media Marketing Mistakes Small Businesses Make

Incredibly after 10 years in the business, I still see small businesses making the same social media marketing mistakes over and over. Every time I do audits, every time I do workshops and every time I do one-on-one training I see half-baked plans, lack of consistency and missing information. Regular auditing can catch some of these things, but some of these social media marketing mistakes take a little more effort.

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How to Safely Add an Admin to Any Social Media Profile

As your business grows you might consider outsourcing social media management to save yourself some time. It is imperative you practice safe sharing when it comes to your social media profiles. Giving your password to a virtual assistant can backfire on some networks, and if everyone is logging into one account it can become impossible to tell who posted what when there is an issue.

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Is it Time to Hire a Social Media Manager?

The people who hire Twirp Communications are generally lacking in one of these three things: time, resources/skills, and interest. Some businesses are ready to add additional support and social media makes sense to outsource. Some people are behind in their technical skills and don’t want to take the time to learn it right now. Others simply have no interest in being on Facebook and Twitter, but understand it is important for their business.

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10 Ways to Leverage Twitter Lists

  Twitter lists are one of the lesser known, yet invaluable, tools provided by Twitter to help you manage the information you’re viewing in your newsfeed. Managed properly, Twitter lists can help you find the content you’re looking for faster, interact with your ideal clients easier and monitor your competition in less time! How to … Read more

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Streamlining Your Twitter Experience

If you’ve had the chance to attend any of my social media workshops, or hear me speak, or probably any other social media expert, you’ll likely have heard me say you cannot be successful on Twitter by following a handful of people. To use Twitter for business purposes, you’ll need to follow, and be followed … Read more

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3 Steps to a Better Facebook Newsfeed

If you’ve been using Facebook for any length of time, you’ve likely accumulated a multitude of friends and brand pages–some of which you interact with daily and others…not so much. Have you ever noticed that some of the people/brands you want to interact with more just aren’t appearing in your newsfeed anymore? They’ve fallen victim to Facebook’s Edgerank, but I’m here to show you how to reclaim your newsfeed.

12 Pages to Follow for Social Media Advice

12 Most Compelling Reasons to Use Hootsuite

Social media is really no longer a choice for business owners. Every business needs to be doing something in the social media arena, and very likely more participating in more than one social network. Whether a business is marketing to other businesses or to consumers, potential customers are online somewhere, it’s just a matter of … Read more

5 Questions to Ask Before Taking Your Business to Pinterest

Last week I had the honour of presenting at the Atlantic Internet Marketing Conference for the first time. My topic was how to use Pinterest for business. I’ll admit, I was a bit nervous about the topic, after all, Pinterest is relatively new, being only two years old, so would anyone at the conference be … Read more

Social Media Strategy for anti-heroes promotional graphic with logo and photo of Anita Kirkbride, the facilitator. Features: self-paced, online, focuses on you, not one-size-fits-all. Click for more information.