Republication Guidelines

I would love to have you republish any of my social media articles on your blog, either in full or just partial posts. Before you do, please read the following requirements:

These rights are only granted for articles written by Anita Kirkbride. They do not pertain to guest posts appearing on this blog. All guest posts are clearly marked with an author bio and republication notice. If you wish to republish a guest post, please contact the original author.

To Republish a Full Post

I am happy to be included in most blogs and websites, but please allow me the option by requesting permission in an e-mail to info (at) twirp (dot) ca. Unless you have been granted permission, please do not repost a full article.

  • Full posts may not be republished until seven (7) days after original publication on
  • You must republish the post exactly as it was written on the Twirp Communications blog, including all links and the post title.
  • You must include my bio (including links). My bio is found at the bottom of each individual post.
  • You must provide a link back to the original post on the Twirp Communications blog with the following text: “Republished with permission, courtesy of Twirp Communications.”

Republication of Partial Posts

You are free to republish partial Twirp Communications posts without express written permission. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • You can only republish the first 2-3 paragraphs.
  • You must republish the post exactly as it was written on the Twirp Communications blog, including all links and the post title.
  • You must include the bio of the original author (including links).
  • You must provide a link back to the original post on the Twirp Communications blog with the following text: “To read the entire article, visit Twirp Communications.”

Social Media Strategy for anti-heroes promotional graphic with logo and photo of Anita Kirkbride, the facilitator. Features: self-paced, online, focuses on you, not one-size-fits-all. Click for more information.