Audio and Video Tips with Natasha Marchewka

Natasha is a voice-over actor who has learned that taking a step back from social media is not the end of the world. When we show up and feel uncomfortable on social media, from there we can grow. This episode provides tips and tricks that will help in building your confidence around video and audio.

Key points in this episode:

  • Tips to overcome fears of recording audio or video
  • Behind the scenes and tricks as a voice-over actor
  • Reading a script vs speaking authentically 
  • Giving yourself permission to let go of something that isn’t working for you
  • Natasha’s unexpected break from social media and what she learned from it
  • Fear of not keeping up with our commitments, especially with social media

About Natasha:

Recording voice-over projects, like commercials and online corporate videos, daily since 2006, Natasha has grown her business exponentially through referrals from happy clients throughout North America and around the globe. From UBS to ZipRecruiter to Adventures by Disney, Natasha’s focus is Commercial and Corporate Narration.

After a BAA in Radio Television Arts from Ryerson, Toronto, several years of singing in restaurants in NYC, and many, MANY media and entertainment jobs paying dues, Natasha started her voice acting career knowing that a freelance career was for her. Originally from Canada, Natasha now makes California her home.

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