Ecommerce Website SEO – Latest Trends to Consider for Better Sales

New eCommerce websites spring up every day, increasing competition. If you own an e-commerce website, it is about time that you re-evaluate your marketing strategy and increase your SEO budget. There is no doubt that SEO is critical to an online business. We think it is not wrong to say that more than 80% of sales come from SEO. So, we recommend that you hire a reliable SEO Company right away. It will put you way ahead of the competition. In today’s blog post, we will list the latest trends to consider to improve your sales.

Latest SEO Trends for Better Sales

Voice Search

An increasing number of people use their voices to do searches online. The primary reason is mobile assistants like Siri, Alexa, Microsoft Cortana, and Samsung Bixby. People are becoming dependent upon them for everyday searches and tasks. If you opt for SEO services, ask the SEO company to optimize your website for voice search. The voice SEO is different from the traditional one. So, be patient while your SEO company optimizes the website for voice.

One of the notable differences is the use of long-tail keywords. While searching for something online using the voice feature, users tend to speak long sentences. When searching traditionally, the phrases are concise. Another notable difference is that users search for answers to their questions when using voice. For example, ‘which is the best SEO company?’. In traditional search, the most common search is ‘best SEO company.


Everybody loves videos, especially Google. Many people do not know this, but Google uses videos as a ranking factor. Hence, we recommend that you embed a video wherever you get a chance. Suppose that you have an official blog page on your eCommerce website. In each blog post, add a video. It will increase the views and recurring traffic. On top of it all, your page is likely to rank on the top. According to the available statistics, web pages with videos are 56% more likely to reach the top. What is the most crucial thing for any business?

The answer is sales. Research shows that videos increase the conversion rate by 80%. In other words, videos are a must-have nowadays. If you think that you need to hire a professional team to shoot, edit, and upload videos, you are wrong. There is a variety of software available in the market that has transformed the way we think about videos. All you need to do is enter the text, and they will create a compelling, high-quality video that you can upload. These videos will undoubtedly increase user engagement and web page ranking.

Web Security

It does not relate directly to SEO, but it is a crucial factor. How? It relates to the user experience. Users will not prefer a website that is marked ‘Not secure’. The reasons are obvious, and one of them is data security. No person would want to enter their bank or other personal information on a website that does not guarantee data security. They will shift towards a competitor website, resulting in your business running into the ground. Also, the bounce rate will increase, meaning that the website will go down in organic ranking. Therefore, you must always have HTTPS enabled.

Apart from the user experience, the lack of web security leaves the website vulnerable to hackers. The Google Bot will find it increasingly challenging to crawl your website as hackers slow down a website or remove webpages. It shows that website security is something that an eCommerce website must never compromise. Hence, we recommend that you get the best security tools and scan the website regularly.

Featured Snippets

What is a featured snippet? It is a summary text available on top of the search engine results page. It provides the answer to a user without having to open a website link. Unfortunately, there can only be one featured snippet at a time. In other words, websites are not getting clicks due to them. There is nothing one can do about them as they are a Google feature, meaning that they cannot be removed or disabled. So, the best strategy is to optimize the content so that it shows up on featured snippets.

How to do it? There are several guidelines available on the web that can guide you through the process. The gist of all the guidelines is to answer common questions with clear, concise answers. It will increase the probability of showing up as a featured snippet. We highly recommend that you ask your SEO company to optimize the content for featured snippets. Your business will get a boost from the increased web traffic. As well, you can use a plugin like YOAST SEO to guide you in your DIY SEO efforts.

Quality Content

Without quality content, an online business cannot survive. But how to define quality content? Over the years, Google has kept changing its definition of quality content. The latest one is that the content needs to be more than 1000 words and with long-tail keywords. So, the practice of uploading 500–1000-word articles every other day is no longer valid. Instead, ask your SEO company to write long articles which you can publish once per week.

If you combine such a long article with a video, we guarantee that the web ranking will increase user engagement. So, we believe that quality content + videos are the best way to bring your eCommerce website to the top. You can even use freelance platforms to hire freelance writers to write content for your e-commerce website. Either way, you need to have a person that can write top quality content.

Wrap Up

Trends keep changing, meaning that the above points may not be valid above next year or even next month. The best thing to do is to continuously invest in SEO so that you can benefit from the latest trends. We recommend that you ask your SEO company to follow the above trends diligently. It will ensure that your business remains on top. If you have any queries or suggestions, please let us know in the comments section.


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