How to Get Your Facebook Posts to the Top of Your Fans’ Newsfeeds



Help Your Facebook FansSee Your Content
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Facebook recently made a change to the options available to Facebook users, allowing us a little more control over what we see in our personal newsfeeds, and how. As a Facebook user you’ll want to take this one step for your favourite people and Business Pages right away. As a small business, you’ll want to encourage your fans to do this one thing for your Business Page so they will see your Facebook Posts first.

Here’s a quick video tutorial to show you what to do. Feel free to share this with your friends and fans to help them out, too.

If you prefer, you can use the text below on your Business Page.

“Did you know Facebook recently gave you the ability to say which Pages you see content from first in your newsfeed? If you wish you could more easily see the content from this Page, follow these three easy steps:
1. Hover over the name of this Page in your newsfeed.
2. Now hover over the “Liked” button.
3. You should see the option to “See First”…just click on that.

Now you will receive our posts at the top of your newsfeed. Go ahead and do this for all your favourite people and pages and see what a difference it will make in your newsfeed.”

If you didn’t know about this change already, share this post with your networks…chances are they missed it too!


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