#BeFlawsome: The Good Enough Podcast

It’s my mission to empower small business owners to take charge of their social media marketing.

I’ve run a social media consulting business for 11 years, and in that time I watched networks rise and fall. I witnessed the creation of new tools and techniques. And I learned there are only a few constants: Successful social media users are present, consistent, and most importantly, authentic.

I don’t believe in fluff. I don’t believe in hype. But, I do believe that with some guidance and support you can do this completely on your own.

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Kristen Kancler

In the final episode of Season 1, Anita and guest Kristen Kancler dive into the topic of Imposter Syndrome. We all experience it at some point in our journey, especially as we allow ourselves to be vulnerable on social media. Listen in to find out more about how to pinpoint what Imposter Syndrome looks like for you as an individual and how to release it.

Sharing Your Journey with Vulnerability (with Yvette Bodden)

Be encouraged by Anita and Yvette’s conversation about vulnerability and how to start sharing your own journey on social media.

Sharing Your Story on Social Media with Caili Elwell

Anita and Caili have an inspirational conversation about learning how to let customers into your world through the power of storytelling.

Setting Yourself Up For Success on Social Media with Jenny Ward

Anita and Jenny share tips on all things social media this week and how to set yourself up for success with reels and repurposing content.

Speaking Courageously About Mental Health with Sam Madore

Anita and Sam talk about finding the courage to share personal stories in front of a room full of people, on a podcast, or on social media

Getting Started on Social Media with Jewel Veitch

Jewel Veitch of Inner Core Coaching is this week’s #flawsome entrepreneur on the podcast. This conversation will inspire you to not only find your soul magic, but also trust yourself when posting on social media.

#Flawsome on Video with Connie Vanderzanden

#Flawsome business owner Connie Vanderzanden is on the podcast this week, sharing about overcoming perfectionism on video and in blog posts. You will find encouragement from this relatable conversation and learn tips to manifest your vision and create lasting financial success.

Social Justice in Business with Duane Jones

Do you choose to work with or support business owners based on their stance on social justice issues? Duane Jones, Founder of Art Pays Me, is a guest on the podcast this week. He is a well-educated, multi-talented artist who empowers others to achieve financial and creative independence through art. Duane shares his fears and passions of being authentic and digging deeper into social issues.

The Power of Personal Stories and Photos with Nicole Osmond

Anita’s guest on the podcast this week is Nicole Osmond, a Customer Success Coach, who is currently running 3 companies. You will be inspired by Nicole’s experience sharing personal and vulnerable blog posts as well as her first, imperfect branding photo shoot.

#BeFlawsome Podcast Episode 7 Banner

Get Out of Your Head with Deborah Fryer

This week’s flawsome entrepreneur on the podcast is Deborah Fryer, a Spiritual Business Coach dedicated to helping entrepreneurs build businesses without selling their souls or working a gazillion hours. She shares how you can be spiritual in your business and still make money, and how she overcame her fear of visibility on video.

Social Media Strategy for anti-heroes promotional graphic with logo and photo of Anita Kirkbride, the facilitator. Features: self-paced, online, focuses on you, not one-size-fits-all. Click for more information.

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