A white peacock standing on the grass with the headline "Digital Marketing for Beginners: Your Ultimate Guide to Online Success"

Digital Marketing for Beginners: Your Ultimate Guide to Online Success

I’ve been blogging about social media marketing for over 12 years now. This week I realized all the new followers and new entrepreneurs I’ve been talking to over the last year probably haven’t gone through my blog to find all the “Digital Marketing for Beginners” articles I’ve written, so I’m compiling them in a listicle for you this week.

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7 Tips to Make Your Online Marketing Accessible to Everyone

One in five Canadians and one in four Americans have a disability. A disability isn’t always negative, but our environments make it challenging for everyone to enjoy the same resources. This week is National Accessibility Week (May 30-Jue 5, 2021) so I’m using this space to talk to small businesses about improving the accessibility of their social media and online marketing.

Rocket ship emerging from laptop screen

Setting Your Website Up for Social Media Success

In most marketing models, your website is the heart of your business and social media is the arteries bringing lifeblood to it. Social media spreads the word about your website and encourages people to come and read what you’ve written, or check out your products. We often think of social media as standing alone in this but really, if you want want to be efficient, you need to set up your website for social media success, too.

add an admin to any social media profile

How to Safely Add an Admin to Any Social Media Profile

As your business grows you might consider outsourcing social media management to save yourself some time. It is imperative you practice safe sharing when it comes to your social media profiles. Giving your password to a virtual assistant can backfire on some networks, and if everyone is logging into one account it can become impossible to tell who posted what when there is an issue.

best person to manage social media graphic

Why You Are The Best Person To Manage Your Social Media Marketing

A few weeks ago I received a text message from a small business owner I had met a few times, but didn’t know all that well. She was feeling overwhelmed and under-educated about social media and wanted to know if I would take her on as a management client. She has an amazing line of natural, locally made beauty products and was in the process of scaling up her business. However, she had a backlog of products she was feeling pressured to sell and because her time was being spent on the scaling of the business, she hadn’t had anyone looking after the social media marketing for a while. Her content would be easy…she has goats! Goats are the new cats on social media.

Social Media Strategy for anti-heroes promotional graphic with logo and photo of Anita Kirkbride, the facilitator. Features: self-paced, online, focuses on you, not one-size-fits-all. Click for more information.

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