Twirp SEO Tips graphic

SEO Tips for Local Businesses

You may have heard the hullabaloo surrounding Dean’s Flowers, a local, independent flower shop who has attracted some unwanted attention from a big, online competitor. I asked several SEO experts for their tips on what Holly could do to combat the grey hat tactics being used against her business. These SEO tips will help anyone trying to improve their search results!

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5 Things to Know About Yoast SEO for Beginners

There are a multitude of SEO plugins you can install for your WordPress website/blog, and Yoast SEO is probably the most popular. It is the one I use on this website, as well as many client websites. Essentially it helps you put all the SEO data in all the right places so Google will find you more often. (Tweet This.) Using a simple green, yellow, red light system, it tells you how good your SEO is. You are aiming for all green lights, of course!

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Social Media Myths Busted

I have come to understand that you only understand that which you have an express interest in understanding. Thus, I do not understand quantum physics, the legal aspects of a corporate takeover, or dog people (Cats rule, dogs drool. #SorryNotSorry). Similarly, many small business owners simply do not have the express interest in truly understanding the complexities of social media. Some simply want it to bring in the money and others just want someone else to handle it. This leads to a lot of misunderstanding about social media in general. Here are some of my favourite social media myths.

Social Media Strategy for anti-heroes promotional graphic with logo and photo of Anita Kirkbride, the facilitator. Features: self-paced, online, focuses on you, not one-size-fits-all. Click for more information.

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