Live Tweeting Superbowl 48: Winners and Losers

While I watched the game, and flipped through the US commercials online, I was also following the #SB48 discussions on Twitter, through a real-time stream in my Hootsuite dashboard–this is one of the reasons I love Hootsuite. Every once in a while, a brand tweet would break the monotony of the Broncos hate or the Seahawks gloating. Unfortunately, not all of the hashtag hijacking was relevant, or well done.

Twitter tips

Twirp's Tips for Twitter

We understand that starting out on a new social network can be daunting, especially Twitter. Over the past few years we've written a few posts to help you learn the ropes; Like how to choose your Twitter handle and who you should follow, talking to people, hashtags and more!  To make it even easier for … Read more

Finding leads on Twitter

This article is part of an ongoing series, inspired by Gary Vaynerchuk, to show Halifax businesses the variety of leads they’re missing out on by not using Twitter search. Well readers, it’s that time again! The world (or at least Halifax) has finally recovered from the holidays and are back to their regular, Tweeting ways. In … Read more

Finding Leads on Twitter: Christmas Edition

Happy holidays, readers! This article is part of an ongoing series, inspired by Gary Vaynerchuk, to show Halifax businesses the variety of leads they’re missing out on by not using Twitter search. The Twitterverse is alive with sounds of the Holidays… and you know what that means! It’s time to check up on all of the … Read more

Finding leads on Twitter

This article is part of an ongoing series, inspired by Gary Vaynerchuk, to show Halifax businesses the variety of leads they’re missing out on by not using Twitter search. Twitter is often times the land of missed opportunity. Seldom do we think we should head to Twitter to drum up some new clients or customers … Read more

Finding Leads on Twitter

This article is part of an ongoing series, inspired by Gary Vaynerchuk, to show Halifax businesses the variety of leads they’re missing out on by not using Twitter search. If you’re not finding leads on Twitter, you’re probably not looking in the right place. Let’s talk about using the Twitter search tool. The Twitter search … Read more

Following unrelated Twitter accounts

Twitter Strategy: You are who you follow

Do you have a Twitter strategy for who you will follow (or follow back) with your business Twitter account? If not, it’s time for you to consider the ramifications of willy-nilly following (which *is* a Twitter strategy in itself, I suppose). Savvy Twitter users are checking out your profile before they decide to follow you. One of the things they may be checking is who you are following–it gives them an idea of the kind of information you are interested in and might share.

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