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How Can Live-Tweeting Events Help a Small Business?

It’s commonplace now for conferences and awards shows to be “live tweeted” by attendees and for that activity to be encouraged by the organizers. Sure it’s fun for those of us stuck at home to follow along as friends and colleagues win awards or heckle a speaker, or maybe pick up a few wise words from a great sold out speaker, but have you considered the benefits to your business or event?

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Streamlining Your Twitter Experience

If you’ve had the chance to attend any of my social media workshops, or hear me speak, or probably any other social media expert, you’ll likely have heard me say you cannot be successful on Twitter by following a handful of people. To use Twitter for business purposes, you’ll need to follow, and be followed … Read more

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Responsible Scheduling: An Automation Philosophy

Some social media experts still vehemently oppose any kind of scheduling, duplication, cross posting or automation. Responsible scheduling is the philosophy of using the best features of scheduling programs while keeping engagement top of mind.

12 Pages to Follow for Social Media Advice

12 Most Compelling Reasons to Use Hootsuite

Social media is really no longer a choice for business owners. Every business needs to be doing something in the social media arena, and very likely more participating in more than one social network. Whether a business is marketing to other businesses or to consumers, potential customers are online somewhere, it’s just a matter of … Read more

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10 Minutes a Day to do Social for Business?

Recently I found this interesting e-mail in my inbox. The subject line (It only takes 10 minutes to have success in social media) really intrigued me as I often hear about these 10 minutes a day plans…heck…I even gave an example of my own of how I thought you could manage social media for your … Read more

5 Tips for Managing Social Media for Business

Whether or not social media is right for your business is no longer the question. The real question now is “Which social media platform is right” for your business. While some businesses are content to excel at one platform, many businesses are managing several networks to promote their products and services. To excel at THAT … Read more

Social Media Strategy for anti-heroes promotional graphic with logo and photo of Anita Kirkbride, the facilitator. Features: self-paced, online, focuses on you, not one-size-fits-all. Click for more information.