How SHOULD a Business Behave After Tragedy?
For businesses who are in the social space, a bigger question is “How can a business help in such a tragic situation, without appearing callous?”
For businesses who are in the social space, a bigger question is “How can a business help in such a tragic situation, without appearing callous?”
One of the social media management services I have been called on to do often is a social media audit – a thorough look at a client’s social profiles, resulting in a report of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Here are some of the most common missed opportunities for small businesses in the social space. … Read more
Dealing with trolls on social media takes a hearty stomach and a good amount of restraint. But what’s the hardest thing to resist when dealing with them?
This is why you should not auto-link your Facebook posts to Twitter. Confused? Yes, this is a tweet. On Twitter. Inviting you to follow them. On Twitter. This is the kind of absurdity that happens when you try to short cut social media for your business. I’ve explained before why a business shouldn’t auto-link accounts, … Read more
Some social media experts still vehemently oppose any kind of scheduling, duplication, cross posting or automation. Responsible scheduling is the philosophy of using the best features of scheduling programs while keeping engagement top of mind.
Social media is really no longer a choice for business owners. Every business needs to be doing something in the social media arena, and very likely more participating in more than one social network. Whether a business is marketing to other businesses or to consumers, potential customers are online somewhere, it’s just a matter of … Read more
Last week I had the honour of presenting at the Atlantic Internet Marketing Conference for the first time. My topic was how to use Pinterest for business. I’ll admit, I was a bit nervous about the topic, after all, Pinterest is relatively new, being only two years old, so would anyone at the conference be … Read more
“Write when you’re inspired,” I always suggest. But sometimes deadlines loom, we need content, and inspiration is nowhere to be found. Here is a checklist you can use to come up with quick content when you’re out of bright ideas.
Whether or not social media is right for your business is no longer the question. The real question now is “Which social media platform is right” for your business. While some businesses are content to excel at one platform, many businesses are managing several networks to promote their products and services. To excel at THAT … Read more
As Facebook changes, so the the rules of Etiquette on Facebook. New features often get absued by overly aggressive marketers. Learn which tactics are really annoying your followers.