Social Media Can Be Fast, Cheap or Good. But Not All Three.

Social media is time-consuming. It’s as much art as it is technology. It’s new and complex and frustrating. Every business owner feels that way at some time or another. When I’m coaching clients I try to encourage patience, long-term visioning and planning. Some people take longer than others to join me in this position.

“I’m looking for a loophole, a quick fix, the easy way to do this,” one person said to me.

Here are my thoughts on that view of social media.

social media quizzes app

How to Use Social Media Quizzes to Collect Leads

Everyone wants to know how to build their list–how to get more leads into the funnel. Interactive social media quizzes are a fabulous way to add some fun, do some research and generate leads, all in one fell swoop! Did you know that 96% of people who start a Buzzfeed quiz finish it? That’s a pretty high completion rate for anything. I found the Interact system incredibly easy to use, intuitive and professional. I am excited to share this new tool with you.

risk management twirp

Tips for Managing Risk in Social Media

Social media is an effective, low-cost and low barrier marketing tactic. Perhaps because the barrier to entry is so low, the risk is quite high. As a social media consultant I firmly believe the benefits of social media marketing outweigh the risks. Here are a few of my best tips for managing the risks a small business owner might encounter in social media marketing.

Instagram stories graphic

5 Ways You Can Talk to Customers on Instagram

Did you know there is more than one way to talk to customers on Instagram? Believe it or not, it’s not all about the one photo and amazing description with 30 hashtags. That used to be the only thing Instagram had…then Facebook bought it and started adding features. Instagram has come a long way and gives us multiple ways to engage with our audiences now.

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When’s the Best Time to Post? Here’s the Definitive Answer

Google returns over 943 million results when you search for “What is the best time to post”. Over 943 MILLION! WHEEEEEE-EW. That’s a lot of people, writing a lot of opinions on when the best time to post your content is on social media. Every article uses a different methodology for measuring their results. Every writer has a particular bias. Most of these articles about timing your posts are written from the perspective of global companies, not small, local businesses. So here it is–the definitive answer on the ever-popular question “When is the best time to post?”

Social Media Strategy: Giving it all away for free on your blog

Often when I talk to new business owners about their social media strategy, or with experienced business owners who are new to social media marketing, I suggest they start a blog, write an ebook, create a list of tips, or develop a free giveaway for customers. Sometimes the business owner will look at me skeptically as if to ask “Are you nuts?” There is a belief out there that giving information away for free will result in lost business. The idea being that if you explain everything on a blog, or in an ebook, for free, nobody will need to buy your services. But that’s just wrong!

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35 Ways to Promote Your Social Media Profiles

You’ve started a new business and now it’s time to let people know about it. Social media is likely the first thing you’re thinking about these days. Once you have the social media profiles set up how do you let people know where to find you? I’ve updated an old article with 10 additional ways to promote your social media profiles!

Five Ways to Use Twitter Advanced Search to Find Leads

Twitter advanced search is a hidden gem. Most Twitter users know there is a search function on Twitter, and are able to find a user they’re looking for, or search for a topic or hashtag, but many Twitter users do not know how to do advanced and filtered searches to find very specific and relevant things, such as business leads.

Social Media Strategy for anti-heroes promotional graphic with logo and photo of Anita Kirkbride, the facilitator. Features: self-paced, online, focuses on you, not one-size-fits-all. Click for more information.

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